/** * Base abstract class for external data connectors. * * @author Alexander Mashin * */ use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; abstract class EDConnectorBase { use EDParsesParams; // Needs paramToArray(). /** @const string[] ID_PARAMS An array of name of params that will serve as data sources' names. */ private const ID_PARAMS = [ 'url', 'db', 'server', 'domain', 'program', 'file', 'directory', 'source', '*' ]; /** @const string ID_PARAM What the specific parameter identifying the connection is called. */ protected const ID_PARAM = 'source'; /** @const string[] URL_PARAMS An array of name of params that will serve as data sources' names for URLs. */ private const URL_PARAMS = [ 'url', 'host', '2nd_lvl_domain' ]; /** @const string[] GLOBAL_ARRAYS Old configuration settings that are arrays but not indexed by data sources. */ private const GLOBAL_ARRAYS = [ 'StringReplacements', 'HTTPOptions', 'TryEncodings' ]; /** @const string[] OLD_CONFIG Mapping between old and new configuration variables. */ private const OLD_CONFIG = [ 'StringReplacements' => 'replacements', 'AllowExternalDataFrom' => 'allowed urls', 'TryEncodings' => 'encodings', 'AllowSSL' => 'allow ssl', 'HTTPOptions' => 'options', 'DBServer' => 'server', 'DBServerType' => 'type', 'DBName' => 'name', 'DBUser' => 'user', 'DBPass' => 'password', 'DBDirectory' => 'directory', 'DBFlags' => 'flags', 'DBTablePrefix' => 'prefix', 'DBDriver' => 'driver', 'DBPrepared' => 'prepared', 'DBTypes' => 'types', 'MemCachedMongoDBSeconds' => 'cache seconds', 'DirectoryPath' => 'path', 'DirectoryDepth' => 'depth', 'FilePath' => 'path', 'LDAPServer' => 'server', 'LDAPUser' => 'user', 'LDAPPass' => 'password', 'LDAPBaseDN' => 'base dn', 'ExeCommand' => 'command', 'ExeParams' => 'params', 'ExeParamFilters' => 'param filters', 'ExeInput' => 'input', 'ExeTempFile' => 'temp', 'ExeLimits' => 'limits', 'ExeEnvironment' => 'env', 'ExeIgnoreWarnings' => 'ignore warnings', 'ExePreprocess' => 'preprocess', 'ExePostprocess' => 'postprocess', 'ExeCacheSeconds' => 'min cache seconds', 'ExeUseStaleCache' => 'always use stale cache', 'ExeName' => 'name', 'ExeUrl' => 'program url', 'ExeVersion' => 'version', 'ExeVersionCommand' => 'version command', 'ExeThrottleKey' => 'throttle key', 'ExeThrottleInterval' => 'throttle interval', 'ExeTags' => 'tag', 'AlwaysAllowStaleCache' => 'always use stale cache', 'CacheExpireTime' => 'min cache seconds', 'ThrottleKey' => 'throttle key', 'ThrottleInterval' => 'throttle interval' ]; /** @var array $sources All configured data sources. */ protected static $sources = []; /** @var array|null An array of errors. */ private $errors; /** @var bool Whether error messages are to be suppressed in wikitext. */ private $suppressError = false; /** @var array An associative array mapping internal variables to external. */ private $mappings = []; /** @var array Data filters. */ protected $filters = []; /** @var string $input This will be fed to program's standard input. */ protected $input; /** @var ?callable $preprocessor A preprocessor for program input. */ private $preprocessor; /** @var ?callable $postprocessor A postprocessor for program output. */ protected $postprocessor; /** @var array $communicate Data to be passed from the preprocessor to the postprocesor. */ private static $communicate = []; /** @var array Fetched data before filtering and mapping. */ protected $values = []; /** * Constructor. Analyse parameters and wiki settings; set $this->errors. * * @param array &$args Arguments to parser or Lua function; processed by this constructor. * @param Title $title A Title object. */ protected function __construct( array &$args, Title $title ) { // Bring keys to lowercase: $args = self::paramToArray( $args, true, false ); // Check the presence of the identifier parameter ('source', 'url', 'db', etc.). if ( !isset( $args[static::ID_PARAM] ) ) { if ( isset( $args[self::ID_PARAM] ) ) { // 'source' is a universal replacement for 'url', 'db', etc. $args[static::ID_PARAM] = $args[self::ID_PARAM]; } else { $this->error( 'externaldata-no-param-specified', static::ID_PARAM ); } } // Check the presence of required values. if ( isset( $args['params'] ) ) { $args = $this->checkPresence( $args, $args['params'] ); } // Validate parameters. if ( isset( $args['param filters'] ) ) { $args = $this->validateParams( $args, $args['param filters'] ); } // Data mappings. May be handled by the parser or by self. Delay settings, if format auto-detection is set. if ( array_key_exists( 'data', $args ) ) { // Whether to bring the external variables to lower case. It depends on the parser, if any. $this->mappings = self::paramToArray( $args['data'], false, false ); } // Filters. $this->filters = array_key_exists( 'filters', $args ) && $args['filters'] ? self::paramToArray( $args['filters'], true, false ) : []; // Preprocessor: $this->preprocessor = self::processor( $args['preprocess'] ?? null ); // stdin. if ( isset( $args['input'] ) ) { $input = $args['input']; if ( isset( $args[$input] ) ) { $this->input = $args[$input]; // Preprocess, if required. $preprocessor = $this->preprocessor; if ( $preprocessor ) { $this->input = $preprocessor( $this->input, $args ); } } else { $this->error( 'externaldata-no-param-specified', $input ); } } // Postprocessor. $this->postprocessor = self::processor( $args['postprocess'] ?? null ); // Whether to suppress error messages. if ( array_key_exists( 'suppress error', $args ) || array_key_exists( 'hidden', $args ) ) { $this->suppressError = true; } } /** * The function analyses and converts 'preprocess' and 'postprocess' params into callables. * @param callable|array $param * @return callable|null */ private static function processor( $param ): ?callable { $func = null; if ( is_callable( $param ) ) { $func = $param; } elseif ( is_array( $param ) ) { $callables = array_filter( $param, 'is_callable' ); $func = static function ( string $input, array $params ) use ( $callables ): string { $output = $input; foreach ( $callables as $callable ) { $output = $callable( $output, $params ); } return $output; }; } return $func; } /** * Actually connect to the external data source. * It is presumed that there are no errors in parameters and wiki settings. * Set $this->values and $this->errors. * * @return bool True on success, false if error were encountered. */ abstract public function run(); /** * Return external data, already filtered and mapped. * * @return array [ array External data, array 'Safe to embed raw' flags ]. */ public function result() { return $this->filteredAndMappedValues(); } /** * Add new values. * * @param array|null $values A new set of columns. */ protected function add( $values ) { if ( !$values ) { return; } self::pile( $this->values, $values ); } /** * Add a special variable. * * @param string $variable Special variable's name. * @param $value Special variable's value. */ protected function addSpecial( string $variable, $value) { if ( !isset( $this->values[$variable] ) ) { $this->values[$variable] = []; } $this->values[$variable][] = $value; } /** * A list of available connectors. * @return array */ private static function connectors(): array { $connectors = self::setting( 'IntegratedConnectors' ); global $wgExternalDataAllowGetters; if ( $wgExternalDataAllowGetters ) { $last = array_pop( $connectors ); $connectors = array_merge( self::setting( 'Connectors' ), $connectors, [ $last ] ); } return $connectors; } /** * Returns a list of connectors configured in $wgExternalDataConnectors. * * @return array An associative array of the form [ 'get_some_data' => 'getSomeData' ]. */ public static function getConnectors(): array { $connectors = []; foreach ( self::connectors() as $connector ) { $parser_function = $connector[0]['__pf'] ?? null; if ( is_string( $parser_function ) && !isset( $connectors[$parser_function] ) ) { // 'get_some_data' => 'getSomeData'. $connectors[$parser_function] = preg_replace_callback( '/_(\w)/', static function ( array $captures ) { return strtoupper( $captures[1] ); }, $parser_function ); } } return $connectors; } /** * Chooses the proper EDConnector* class. * * @param string|null $name Parser function name. * @param array $args Its parameters. * * @return string Name of a EDConnector* class. */ protected static function getConnectorClass( $name, array $args ) { $args['__pf'] = $name; $connectors = self::connectors(); return self::getMatch( $args, $connectors ); } /** * A factory method that chooses and instantiates the proper EDConnector* class. * * @param string|null $name Parser function name. * @param array $args Its parameters. * @param ?Title $title A title object. * * @return EDConnectorBase An EDConnector* object. */ public static function getConnector( $name, array $args, $title ): EDConnectorBase { $supplemented = self::supplementParams( $args ); $class = self::getConnectorClass( $name, $supplemented ); // Instantiate the connector. If $class is empty, either this extension or $wgExternalDataConnectors is broken. return new $class( $supplemented, $title ); } /** * Supplement $wgExternalDataSources from old $wgExternalData... settings. */ public static function loadConfig() { $sources = self::setting( 'Sources' ); // Read old style settings. $old_prefix = self::$oldPrefix; foreach ( self::OLD_CONFIG as $old => $new ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS["$old_prefix$old"] ) ) { $global = $GLOBALS["$old_prefix$old"]; if ( is_array( $global ) && !in_array( $old, self::GLOBAL_ARRAYS ) ) { // This $wgExternalData... is per data source. foreach ( $global as $source => $value ) { if ( !isset( $sources[$source] ) ) { $sources[$source] = []; } $sources[$source][$new] = $value; } } else { // This $wgExternalData... is universal. Save it in the '*' pseudo-source. $sources['*'][$new] = $global; } } } self::$sources = $sources; } /** * Substitute default values for the absent parameters. Log an error if a required parameter is not supplied. * * @param array $parameters User-supplied parameters. * @param array $defaults An array of parameter defaults. A numeric key means that the value is a required param. * @return array The supplemented parameters. */ private static function setDefaults( array $parameters, array $defaults ): array { // Check if the required parameters are present and provide default values for the optional ones. foreach ( $defaults as $key => $value ) { if ( is_string( $key ) && !isset( $parameters[$key] ) ) { // no value provided. $parameters[$key] = $value; } } return $parameters; } /** * Log an error if a required parameter is not supplied. * * @param array $parameters User-supplied parameters. * @param array $defaults An array of parameter defaults. A numeric key means that the value is a required param. * @return array The same $parameters. */ private function checkPresence( array $parameters, array $defaults ): array { // Check if the required parameters are present and provide default values for the optional ones. foreach ( $defaults as $key => $value ) { if ( is_numeric( $key ) && !isset( $parameters[$value] ) ) { $this->error( 'externaldata-no-param-specified', $key ); } } return $parameters; } /** * Validate parameters. Log an error if a parameter has an illegal value. * * @param array $parameters User-supplied parameters. * @param array $filters An array of parameter filters (callables or regexes). * @return array The validated parameters. */ private function validateParams( array $parameters, array $filters ): array { // Validate parameters. foreach ( $parameters as $key => $value ) { if ( !( // no filter for this parameter. !isset( $filters[$key] ) // filter is a function and returns true. || is_callable( $filters[$key] ) && $filters[$key]( $value ) // filter is a regular expression and parameter matches it. || is_string( $filters[$key] ) && preg_match( $filters[$key], $value ) ) ) { $this->error( 'externaldata-illegal-parameter', $key, $value ); } } return $parameters; } /** * Convert an associative array of wildcards into one usable directly by strtr(). * @param array $wildcards The wildcards. * @return array The wildcards surrounded by '$...$'. */ private static function forStrtr( array $wildcards ): array { $filtered = array_filter( $wildcards, static function ( $value ) { return is_string( $value ) || is_numeric( $value ); } ); return array_combine( array_map( static function ( $wildcard ) { return '$' . (string)$wildcard . '$'; }, array_keys( $filtered ) ), array_values( $filtered ) ); } /** * Substitute each $parameter$ in $parameters recursively using the $replacements associative array. * * @param string|array $parameters Parameters in which wildcards should be substituted. * @param array $replacements Optional associative array of replacements, $parameters by default. * @return string|array The string(s) with substituted parameters. */ private static function substitute( $parameters, array $replacements ) { if ( is_string( $parameters ) ) { $parameters = strtr( $parameters, $replacements ); } elseif ( is_array( $parameters ) ) { foreach ( $parameters as &$value ) { $value = self::substitute( $value, self::forStrtr( $parameters ) + $replacements ); } } return $parameters; } /** * This method adds secret parameters to user-supplied ones, extracting them from * global configuration variables. * * @param array $params User-supplied parameters. * @return array Supplemented parameters. */ protected static function supplementParams( array $params ): array { $supplemented = $params; // Allow concise syntax with unnamed first parameter instead of 'source', etc. if ( isset( $params[0] ) ) { $supplemented[self::ID_PARAM] = $params[0]; } // URL passed as 'source'. if ( !isset( $supplemented['url'] ) && isset( $supplemented[self::ID_PARAM] ) && filter_var( $supplemented[self::ID_PARAM], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) { $supplemented['url'] = $supplemented[self::ID_PARAM]; } // A list of fields containing names data sources to read. $fields = []; if ( isset( $supplemented['url'] ) ) { // Get URL components. $supplemented['components'] = parse_url( $supplemented['url'] ); if ( isset( $supplemented['components']['host'] ) ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset Make PHAN shut up. $supplemented['host'] = $supplemented['components']['host']; } // Second-level domain is likely to be both a throttle key and an index to find a throttle key or interval. // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset text saying why it was suppressed if ( isset( $supplemented['host'] ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/(?<=^|\.)\w+\.\w+$/', $supplemented['host'], $matches ) ) { $supplemented['2nd_lvl_domain'] = $matches[0]; } else { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset text saying why it was suppressed $supplemented['2nd_lvl_domain'] = $supplemented['host']; } } $fields = self::URL_PARAMS; } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanSuspiciousBinaryAddLists Shut up. $fields += self::ID_PARAMS; $supplemented['*'] = '*'; // 'db' passed as 'server'. if ( isset( $supplemented['server'] ) && !isset( $supplemented['db'] ) ) { $supplemented['db'] = $supplemented['server']; } // Read the settings for data source(s). $wiki_wide = []; foreach ( $fields as $field ) { if ( isset( $supplemented[$field] ) ) { $id = $supplemented[$field]; if ( isset( self::$sources[$id] ) ) { foreach ( self::$sources[$id] as $param => $value ) { if ( !isset( $wiki_wide[$param] ) ) { // more specific setting override less specific. $wiki_wide[$param] = $value; } } } } } // Set default values. if ( isset( $wiki_wide['params'] ) ) { $params = self::setDefaults( $params, $wiki_wide['params'] ); } // Substitute user-supplied parameters into wiki-wide, where they contain wildcards. $wiki_wide = self::substitute( $wiki_wide, self::forStrtr( $params ) ); // Apply wiki-wide settings. They override user-provided ones. foreach ( $wiki_wide as $param => $value ) { $supplemented[$param] = $value; } return $supplemented; } /** * Mappings from internal => external. * @return array */ protected function mappings(): array { return $this->keepExternalVarsCase ? $this->mappings : array_map( 'mb_strtolower', $this->mappings ); } /** * A helper function that filters external values and maps them to internal ones. * * @return array Filtered and mapped values. */ private function filteredAndMappedValues() { $external_values = $this->values; if ( !$external_values ) { return []; } foreach ( $this->filters as $filter_var => $filter_value ) { // Find the entry of $external_values that matches // the filter variable; if none exists, just ignore // the filter. if ( array_key_exists( $filter_var, $external_values ) ) { if ( is_array( $external_values[$filter_var] ) ) { $column_values = $external_values[$filter_var]; foreach ( $column_values as $i => $single_value ) { // if a value doesn't match the filter value, remove // the value from this row for all columns if ( trim( $single_value ) !== trim( $filter_value ) ) { foreach ( $external_values as $external_var => $external_value ) { unset( $external_values[$external_var][$i] ); } } } } else { // if we have only one row of values, and the filter doesn't match, // just keep the results array blank and return if ( $external_values[$filter_var] != $filter_value ) { return []; } } } } // Special case: __all in data argument or no data at all. Need to map all external variables to internal ones. $mappings = $this->mappings(); if ( count( $mappings ) === 0 || isset( $mappings['__all'] ) ) { foreach ( $external_values as $external_var => $_ ) { $mappings[$external_var] = $external_var; } } // For each external variable name specified in the function // call, get its value or values (if any exist), and attach it // or them to the local variable name $result = []; foreach ( $mappings as $local_var => $external_var ) { if ( array_key_exists( $external_var, $external_values ) ) { self::setInternal( $result, $local_var, $external_values[$external_var] ); } } return $result; } /** * Set internal variable. * * @param array &$values Array to set value in. * @param string $name Variable name. * @param mixed $value Variable value(s). */ private static function setInternal( array &$values, $name, $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $values[$name] = array_values( $value ); } else { // @todo Check, if this code is ever reached. $values[$name][] = $value; } } /** * Register an error. * * @param array|string $code Error message key or array of errors. * @param string ...$params Message parameters. */ protected function error( $code, ...$params ) { if ( !$this->errors ) { $this->errors = []; } if ( is_array( $code ) ) { foreach ( $code as $error ) { $this->error( $error['code'], $error['params'] ); } } else { if ( isset( $params[0] ) && is_array( $params[0] ) ) { // Overwrapped $params. $params = $params[0]; } // Guarantee that errors do not repeat: $key = hash( 'md5', $code . ':' . var_export( $params, true ) ); $this->errors[$key] = [ 'code' => $code, 'params' => $params ]; } } /** * Return a list of error messages. * * @return array An array of messages. */ public function errors() { return $this->errors; } /** * Whether to suppress error messages. * * @return bool The message. */ public function suppressError() { return $this->suppressError; } /** * Get a list of data sources emulating tags. * @return array[] */ public static function emulatedTags(): array { $tags = []; foreach ( self::$sources as $source => $config ) { if ( isset( $config['tag'] ) ) { $tag = $config['tag']; $tags[$tag] = self::tagFunction( $config + [ 'source' => $source ] ); // @todo: is 'program' really necessary? } } return $tags; } /** * Create a parser function implementing a tag. * @param array $config * @return callable */ private static function tagFunction( array $config ): callable { return static function ( string $inner, array $attributes, Parser $parser, PPFrame $_ ) use ( $config ) { $params = $attributes; $params[$config['input']] = $inner; $params['source'] = $config['source']; $id = $params['id'] ?? 'output'; $params['data'] = "$id=__text"; $params['format'] = 'text'; $params = self::supplementParams( $params ); $title = $parser->getTitle(); if ( $title ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line SecurityCheck-ReDoS $connector = self::getConnector( 'get_external_data', $params, $title ); if ( !$connector->errors() ) { if ( $connector->run() ) { $values = $connector->result(); // @todo: other markerTypes? return [ $values[$id][0], 'markerType' => 'nowiki' ]; } } return EDParserFunctions::formatErrorMessages( $connector->errors() ); } return false; }; } /* * Pre- and postprocessing utilities. */ /** * Convert [[wikilinks]] to dot links, including images and CSS. * * @param string $dot Text to add wikilinks in dot format. * @return string dot with links. */ public static function wikilinks4dot( string $dot ): string { // Process URL = "[[wikilink]]" in properties. $attrs = implode( '|', [ 'edgehref', 'edgeURL', 'headhref', 'headURL', 'labelhref', 'labelURL', 'tailhref', 'tailURL', 'href', 'URL' ] ); $dewikified = preg_replace_callback( '/(?' . $attrs . ')\s*=\s*"\[\[(?[^|<>\]"]+)]]"/', static function ( array $m ): string { $url = CoreParserFunctions::localurl( null, $m['page'] ); return $m['attr'] . '="' . ( is_string( $url ) ? $url : CoreParserFunctions::localurl( null ) ) . '"'; }, $dot ); // Process image or shapefile = "[[File:somefile.png|150px]]" in properties. $attrs = implode( '|', [ 'image', 'shapefile', 'src' ] ); $repo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup(); $dewikified = preg_replace_callback( '/(?' . $attrs . ')\s*=\s*"\[\[[^:|\]]+:(?[^<>\]"]+)]]"/i', static function ( array $m ) use ( $repo ) { $args = array_map( 'trim', explode( '|', $m['image'] ) ); $name = array_shift( $args ); $file = $repo->findFile( $name ); $path = false; $url = false; if ( $file ) { $options = []; foreach ( $args as $arg ) { if ( strpos( $arg, '=' ) !== false ) { [ $key, $val ] = array_map( 'trim', explode( '=', $arg, 2 ) ); } else { $key = isset( $options['width'] ) ? 'height' : 'width'; // first is width, second is height. $val = trim( $arg ); } $options[$key] = (int)$val; } global $wgDefaultUserOptions, $wgThumbLimits; // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginDuplicateExpressionAssignmentOperation Until dropping PHP 7.3. $options['width'] = $options['width'] ?? $wgThumbLimits[$wgDefaultUserOptions['thumbsize']]; $thumb = $file->transform( $options ); $path = $thumb->getLocalCopyPath(); $url = $thumb->getUrl(); } // If there is no local file, feed GraphViz something so that it does not break. // phpcs:ignore global $IP; $path = $path ?: "$IP/resources/assets/mediawiki.png"; $url = $url ?: "/resources/assets/mediawiki.png"; // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginDuplicateExpressionAssignmentOperation Until dropping PHP 7.3. self::$communicate['urls'] = self::$communicate['urls'] ?? []; self::$communicate['urls'][$path] = $url; return $m['attr'] . '="' . $path . '"'; }, $dewikified ); // Process [[wikilink]] in nodes. $dewikified = preg_replace_callback( '/\[\[(?[^|<>\]]+)]]\s*(?:\[(?[^][]+)])?/', static function ( array $m ) { $props = $m['props'] ?? ''; $url = CoreParserFunctions::localurl( null, $m['page'] ); return '"' . $m['page'] . '"[URL="' . ( is_string( $url ) ? $url : CoreParserFunctions::localurl( null ) ) . '"; ' . $props . ']'; }, $dewikified ); return $dewikified; } /** * Convert [[wikilinks]] to UML links. * * @param string $uml Text to add wikilinks in UML format. * @return string dot with links. */ public static function wikilinks4uml( string $uml ): string { // Process [[wikilink]] in nodes. return preg_replace_callback( '/\[\[([^|\]]+)(?:\|([^]]*))?]]/', static function ( array $m ) { $alias = $m[2] ?? $m[1]; return '[[' . (string)CoreParserFunctions::localurl( null, $m[1] ) . ' ' . $alias . ']]'; }, $uml ); } /** * Strip SVG from surrounding XML. * * @param string $xml XML to extract SVG from. * @return string The stripped SVG. */ public static function innerXML( string $xml ): string { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML( $xml ); return $dom->saveHTML(); } /** * Replace local image paths with URLs in SVG. * @param string $svg SVG to process * @return string Prcessed SVG */ public static function filepathToUrl( string $svg ): string { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML( preg_replace( '/(?)/', '—', html_entity_decode( $svg ) ) ); $attr = 'xlink:href'; foreach ( $dom->getElementsByTagName( 'image' ) as $image ) { $filepath = $image->getAttribute( $attr ); $url = ( self::$communicate['urls'] ?? [] )[$filepath] ?? ''; $image->setAttribute( $attr, $url ); } return $dom->saveHTML(); } /** * Set SVG size, if not set. * @param string $svg * @param array $params * @return string */ public static function sizeSVG( string $svg, array $params ): string { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML( $svg ); $root = $dom->documentElement; foreach ( [ 'width', 'height' ] as $attr ) { if ( !$root->hasAttribute( $attr ) && isset( $params[$attr] ) ) { $root->setAttribute( $attr, $params[$attr] ); } } if ( !$root->hasAttribute( 'viewport' ) && isset( $params['width'] ) && isset( $params['height'] ) ) { $root->setAttribute( 'viewport', "0 0 {$params['width']} {$params['height']}" ); } return $dom->saveHTML(); } }